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Quotes: 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick Quotes

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Thanks, B. Couldn't have done it without you.
After she stakes a vamp with a stake borrowed from Buffy.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: You guys are a hoot and a half. If I'd had friends like you in high school, I... probably still would've dropped out. But I might've been sad about it, you know?

To Willow and Xander.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Hey, so what's up with B? I mean, she seems wound kinda tight. Needs to find the fun a little? Like you two.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Oh. Water!

Upon spotting the water fountain

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Joyce: So you're a Slayer, too. Isn't that interesting! Do you like it?

Faith: God, I love it!

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Well, when I'm fighting, it's like the whole world goes away and I only know one thing: that I'm gonna win and they're gonna lose. I like that feelin'.

Buffy: Well, sure. Beats that dead feeling you get when they win and you lose.

Faith: I don't let that kind of negative thinking in.

On her love for slaying.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Joyce: Oh, Faith, can I get you another soft drink?

Faith: Oh, you bet!

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Didn't we, um, do this street already?

Buffy: Funny thing about vamps. They'll hit a street even after you've been there. It's like they have no manners.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Mm. You've been doing this the longest.

Buffy: I have.

Faith: Yeah. Maybe a little too long.

Buffy: Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?

Faith: Nothing.

Buffy: You got a problem?

Faith: I'm five-by-five, B, living entirely large, actually wondering about your problem.

Buffy: Well, I may not sleep in the nude and rassle alligators...

Faith: Maybe it's time you started, 'cause obviously something in your bottle needs uncorking. What is it, the, Angel thing?

Buffy: What do you know about Angel?

Faith: Just what your friends tell me: big love, big loss, you oughta deal and move on, but you're not.

Buffy: I got an idea: how about from now on, we don't hear from you on Angel or anything else in my life. Which, by the way, is my life.

Faith: What are you getting so strung out for, B?

Buffy: Why are your lips still moving, F?

Faith: Did I just hear a threat?

Buffy: Would you like to?

Faith: Wow. Think you can take me?

Buffy: Yeah. (looks over Faith's shoulder and sees vamps approaching) I just hope they can't.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: My dead mother hits harder than that!

While pummeling a vamp.